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What is Blockchain & How many Blockchains are there? [2022 Updated]

What is Blockchain Technology and how many Blockchains are there in 2022

What is Blockchain
The continuous cycle of Evolution, change & natural selection are all necessary for life to exist. It gives significance to our life and the world around us; it keeps us informed, adjusted, and adaptable. And it was because of this thinking that we came up with Blockchain-based coins. But, exactly, what is blockchain? What is the mechanism behind it? Let’s learn everything there is to know about the crypto ledger system.

You submit your credit card details while making payments online. If you don’t have a credit card, you can use a bank transfer instead. These strategies are becoming obsolete as cryptocurrencies gain popularity.

What if I say, you may do business and perform a variety of other tasks without disclosing your personal information? You may accomplish it all without the involvement of governments, banks, or any other third parties. Isn’t it incredible? The solution to the question of “how” is a Blockchain!

It’s similar to a database in which you may save informative chunks that are linked together. That’s why it’s known as Blockchain, or “blockchain.” Things are evolving quickly, and you can now mine cryptocurrency on your Smartphone.

Let’s begin with a brief history of the Blockchain evolution:
W. Scott Stornetta and  Stuart Haber , two mathematicians, were the first to bring Blockchain technology to light in 1991.  The initial objective was to create a system that would be completely difficult to tamper with timestamps.

In 1990, Nick Szabo suggested utilising Blockchain to secure the “Bit Gold” digital payment system. But no one did this till Satoshi Nakamoto claimed to be the inventor of Bitcoin and Blockchain.


A Blockchain is a distributed ledger that is shared across the nodes of a network system. It stores data in a digital format. The majority of individuals become aware of Blockchain after learning about Bitcoin.
It is defined by Oxford Languages as a technique in which a record or ledger of bitcoin or other cryptocurrency transactions is kept across numerous computers connected in a peer-to-peer connection.

In cryptocurrency systems, blockchain has played an important role in establishing a secure and decentralised record of transactions.

The distinctive feature of Blockchain was that it ensured the accuracy and security of a data record without requiring the involvement of a trusted third party.

The crucial difference between Blockchain & a Database is how data is organised.

Blockchain's basic steps

A blockchain’s basic steps are as follows:

  • It gathers data in “Blocks,” which are collections of data.
  • Each block has a set storage capacity, and once it is full, it is closed and connected to a previously serviced block.
  • A “Blockchain” is formed as a result of this.
  • Any additional data will be stored to a freshly generated block until it reaches its maximum capacity. The cycle continues to repeat itself.
  • When a block is added to the chain, it has a specific timestamp that can’t be tampered with.

How Does Blockchain Works?

Blockchain is a distributed ledger that saves digital data and distributes it throughout the network without altering it. It’s the cornerstone of irreversible ledgers that can’t be deleted, changed, or destroyed. As a result, it’s sometimes referred to as DLT which is abbreviated by “Distributed Ledger Technology”.

So, How Does Blockchain Works? Let’s follow the steps from top of the list:

  1. A person or a machine makes a transaction.
  2. The transaction is sent via the internet.
  3. To confirm the transaction, a system of interconnected networks solves equations.
  4. If the transaction is confirmed, it is added to the blocks.
  5. The blocks are linked together to create a timeline.

That’s all there is to it! It appears to be a difficult process, yet contemporary technology allows it to be completed in minutes. And, because technology is evolving at a fast pace, I anticipate it to occur faster than ever before.

The system receives a new transaction. It’s then forwarded to a network of peer-to-peer system or computers scattered at distinct locations across the globe. After that, the system of interconnected computers solves equations to verify the transaction’s legitimacy.

It is placed in a block following the confirmation. All of the blocks are linked together to form a continuous chain of all transactions’ everlasting history.


How the Blockchain Technology is used in presents Scenario?

While blockchain is an important aspect of cryptocurrencies, it’s not the only use. We can utilise Blockchain to securely store data from your transactions. People mistake it with cryptocurrencies such As bitcoin and People mistake it with cryptocurrencies such As bitcoin and Ethereum.

Siemens, Walmart, Unilever, AIG & Pfizer are among the companies that have already used blockchain. IBM’s Food Trust, for example, utilises it to trace food’s route before it reaches its final destination.

To some of you, this may appear to be a little extreme. However, food tracing is necessary since the food business has seen several E. coli & Salmonella outbreaks. There have also been situations where some toxic element has been mistakenly incorporated into the meal.

Also Read : The Applications of Blockchain Technology 

Tracing and diagnosing the outbreak’s causes has always been a difficult and time-consuming job. Food can now be traced because of Blockchain technology, and businesses can see exactly where their truck stopped before arriving at its destination.

This enables them to reach a conclusion much faster in the event of any health risks. There are other additional applications for Blockchain.

What is Blockchain Decentralization?

Blockchain is safe because it is decentralised, even if it is open to the public. It’s easy to use and all you need is an internet connection.
Have you ever been in a situation where all of your data was stored in a single “secure” location that was then hacked? Even if you have never been in a scenario like this, I am convinced that it is not one you would want to be in.

This is something that blockchain technology could be able to assist you prevent. It disperses the data over several computers in various locations throughout the world. As a result of this, redundancy is formed. If someone tries to erase, modify, or destroy a transaction history in one place, it will have no effect on the other nodes.

Information and history become irrevocable as a result of this. So, not only can we use Blockchain to store transaction history, but we can also use it to store data. Legal contracts, state identity cards, and even a company’s goods inventory can all be stored.

As a result, information & history become irreversible. As a result, we may use Blockchain not just to store transaction records, but also to store data. Legal documents, state identification cards, and even a company’s inventory of items can all be saved.

Benefits & Drawbacks of Blockchain

Blockchain, like anything else in the world, has a number of benefits and drawbacks. You’ll go through them in bullet form in this section.

Benefits of Blockchain Technology:

  • Because it eliminates human interference in the verification process, it improves accuracy.
  • Because of decentralisation, tampering with information is significantly more difficult.
  • Transactions that are safe, confidential, and quick
  • Provides individuals with a financial option as well as a considerably more secure manner of keeping personal data.

Drawbacks of Blockchain Technology:

  • Bitcoin mining has a high technical expense.
  • There are constraints to data storage.
  • It has the potential to be exploited for illegal purposes.
  • Because rules differ by jurisdiction, they are continually in change.

How many Blockchains are there?

If we start counting the number of Blockchains at the present, it will take a lot of time. As blockchain technology is embraced and adapted to the new use cases, the number would continue to rise. In the same way that there are just too many computer networks in the globe now, there might be hundreds and thousands or millions of networks in the future.

Blockchains come in a variety of shapes and sizes. There are two types of blockchains: public and private. These blockchains that solely employ a single currency or token. There are other chains that do not include any money or tokens.

It’s sometimes difficult to tell which is which.

(FAQ) Frequently Asked Questions on Blockchain

Let’s discuss in brief, the prominent Questions asked by the uses about Blockchain:

Is it true that Blockchain is a cryptocurrency?

Blockchain is not a cryptocurrency in and of itself, but rather a technology that enables the cryptocurrency phenomena. It’s a digital ledger that keeps track of all crypto transactions in real time.

Is it feasible to hack into Blockchain?

Yes, to go right to the point. Although blockchain may potentially be hacked, it is continually monitored by a network of users, making it a difficult process to do.

Who owns the Blockchain technology?

Blockchain is an open-source technology that no one owns. It’s a network of distributed ledgers linked together via nodes. Any electronic device can serve as a node. As a result, the chain cannot be owned by a single computer or human.

Which is the most well-known blockchain organisation?

Currently, the globe is home to a slew of blockchain startups. However, Coinbase Global is now the largest blockchain business, with excellent infrastructure, services, & technology for crypto market.

What exactly is the distinction between Blockchain and Bitcoin?

Blockchain is a digital ledger of crypto transactions, and Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency. Blockchain technology underpins Bitcoin, as well as all other cryptocurrencies. We may also utilise the technology for a variety of additional purposes.

Other than Bitcoin, what are the most important cryptocurrencies?

There are already over 10,000 cryptocurrencies in use throughout the world. And the number continues to rise. Some of the most popular crypto currencies are Ethereum, BNB, Cardano, Dogecoin, Litecoin, Polkadot, and Tether. 


I hope you now have a thorough understanding of blockchains and their significance. Because technology is our future, study as much as you can while you still can.

Also Read : The Best Blockchain Certification Courses in 2022

Also Watch the Live status of Cryptocurrencies

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